Module 10. Foundations


After studying this chapter, you should be able to articulate the philosophical and theoretical foundations of development communication.


Read Chapter 10 of your text.

From the ideas presented in this chapter, make a list of five arguments from other disciplines that support the ascendancy of the development communication approach. Each item in the list should not be longer than one paragraph.


  1. Cybernetics: Cybernetics, with its focus on communication and control in systems, supports the development communication approach by emphasizing the importance of feedback loops and understanding the ever-changing world. Effective communication serves as a feedback mechanism in the development process, allowing for continuous adjustments and improvements. Understanding communication dynamics within social systems is important as it guides development initiatives in response to evolving needs and challenges.
  1. Economics: From an economic perspective, development communication is a catalyst for efficient resource allocation and market dynamics. Transparent and widespread communication about economic policies, market conditions, and investment opportunities can lead to a more informed and dynamic economic environment. This, in turn, facilitates sustainable development by fostering entrepreneurship, investment, and equitable distribution of resources. Economies are becoming information-based, supporting the growth of information industries.
  1. Physics: Physics principles, particularly those related to information theory, highlight the importance of signal clarity in communication. In development, clear and accurate information is essential for efficient decision-making and resource allocation. Physics underscores the need for minimizing “noise” or distortion in the communication channel, ensuring that development messages are transmitted accurately and comprehensively to stakeholders.
  1. Biology: As stated in the book, biological contribution to this framework comes from research on evolution which offers insights into the adaptive nature of communication. Development communication can draw on biological concepts to understand how information is received, processed, and acted upon within communities. By recognizing the diversity of human societies and ecosystems, development communicators can tailor messages to specific contexts, fostering adaptive responses and promoting sustainable development practices that align with local cultures and ecosystems.
  1. Anthropology: Cultural understanding is crucial in development, and communication strategies that are culturally sensitive and context-specific can lead to more effective development interventions. Anthropological insights can inform communication approaches that resonate with local communities, fostering better reception and implementation of development initiatives.


Chapter 10: Foundations – Should development communication be afforded the status of an academic discipline? Has it contributed to the existing body of scientific knowledge? Has it offered a unique perspective, philosophy, or paradigm? Critics of development communication do not think so.

  • Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations:
    • Emphasis on appropriate low-cost communication technology.
    • Social considerations outweigh artistic merit in media productions.
  • Objectives:
    • Articulate philosophical and theoretical foundations.
  • Legitimacy of Development Communication:
    • Young science undergoing its baptism of fire.
    • Claims legitimacy based on the unsuitability of existing mass communication models to Third World conditions.
  • Four Theories of the Press:
    • Authoritarian Theory: State ranks higher than the individual.
    • Libertarian Theory: Press as a watchdog, total freedom from government control.
    • Social Responsibility Theory: Media’s obligation to be socially responsible.
    • Soviet Totalitarian Theory: State-owned press with a positive concept of liberty.
  • Fifth Theory of the Press (Development Communication):
    • Appropriate for developing societies.
    • Synthesis of social centralist and social responsibility theories.
    • Dialectically superior to previous models.
  • Cultural Foundations:
    • Communication in all levels should align with values like transformation, responsibility, and benevolence.
    • Contrasts with the libertarian emphasis on freedom of expression.
  • Socio-Political Framework:
    • Communication is a major variable in social transformation.
    • Media Dependency Theory: Correlation between media, societal stability, and media dependency.
  • Supportive Arguments from Other Disciplines:
    • Economies are becoming information-based, supporting the growth of information industries.
    • Contemporary theories in various fields are compatible with development communication.
  • Conclusion:
    • Development communication transcends existing communication theories and aligns with societal goals and values.